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Showing posts from June, 2020

Distributed Software Components

Software Components seated at different locations are said to be Distributed Components. These Components are arranged in such a way so as to enable communication. In other words, the Distributed arrangement helps communication among Components.    The arrangement that allows Component based communication is based on principled distribution. A Component requiring to communicate sets itself into action. It extends itself. It makes itself effective outside the Component boundary line.  A Component that has extending abilities can be distributed. If a Component is unable to cause effect outside the Component boundary line, it cannot be distributed.  It's true that ordinary Components do not have communication rights. Such Components do not follow philosophy related to distribution. So, these Components are denied communication rights. To sum up, an ordinary Component cannot communicate.  A Component in a distribution starts the linking process. Requirement for comm...

Applications of Networks

Networks are designed to serve. They are used for practical purposes in the following fields: Healthcare: Hospitals, Nursing Homes, Pathological Laboratories use Computer Networks to meet health requirements of the people. The healthcare professionals and assistants closely cooperate for a healthy society. The professionals and assistants come together using Networks. It can be said that Networks keep the healthcare units in functional state. Educational Institutions: These institutions use Networks for many purposes. Student admissions, teaching work, laboratory work, and project report generation are possible using Networks. Teachers refer to online tutorials and their valued classroom  sessions are admired by the student community.   Government Agencies: Government programmes work at different levels. The lower level activities are reported to high ranking officers. These reports are carefully studied. After making the study at the officers' level fresh instructions are gi...

Message Switching

Message is a piece of information. Switching means movement.  In a Network there are a number of nodes. Nodes are vital junctions of a Network. Message Switching means transmission from one node ( one point ) of a Network to another node ( another point ). So, transmission is from point to point. Transmission from one point to another point is a single hop ( jump ). Message Switching means switch over of a Message. In one step of Message Switching,  Message switches over from one node to another.  The two nodes involved in a Switching operation are on the same Network. It cannot be that the beginning node ( source node) is on one Network and the second node ( sink node ) is on a different Network. In a point to point ( one junction to another junction ) transmission, a Message travels a part of its journey. Message moves from previous point to next point. The Network is Point-to-Point Network. A Switching activity means movement of a message. Indeed, the Message has mov...

Persistence of Component Model

The Component Model has persistence. Persistence property means that the Component Model can survive in difficult conditions.In other words, the Model constantly maintains the working state. The Model is well tested. It is closely monitored. It meets standard requirements. Modellers make sure that the Model works properly. Persistence property gives information about the toughness of the Component Model. The toughness is determined by good response in difficult conditions. The response of a persistent Component is suitable in challenging times.  Persistence means the Component is tireless, fault- tolerant,and secure. Persistence of the Component Model bears justification. The Component Model meets the standards of Component based modelling. Meeting such standards, by extension, means the Model stands for toughness.  Persistence is decided by: Response Time: A Model should be quickly captured by the analysts. It must be sensitive. A sensitive Model can be clearly observed for r...

Star Network Topology

Broadly, Network Topology means the Network Shape. An example of Network Topology is Star Topology. Star Topology is like a twinkling Star. At the centre, a Hub ( Central ) Computer is placed. Hub Computer is the most important Computer of a Star Network. The Hub Computer is located at the centre of a Star Network. Besides the Hub Computer other Computers are there. Others are spread around the Hub in an arrangement.The arrangement of other non- hub Computers may be in  a circular fashion. The other computers appear at an equal distance from the Hub. The Hub Computer and the other arrangement of Computers makes a Star Topology Network. Information transfer can take place between Hub Computer and other Computers. But, transfer of information from one Non-hub Computer directly to another Non-hub Computer is not possible. Exchange of information between two Non-hub Computers is only possible by passing information through the Hub Computer. Local-Area Networks ( LANs ) can be designed ...

Network Service

A Network carries information. Information is transmitted by a transmitter. A Computer may be a transmitter of information. The transmitted information is carried over a Network of Communication lines. Such Network helps to carry information. The information is carried to far end. At the far end the information is received by a receiver. Network is meant to provide service. Service can be measured in terms of number of beneficiaries. The extent of service leads to Network Service classification as: UNICAST  MULTICAST BROADCAST                           ( 1  ) When Network transmission has to reach only one recipient, the transmitted information is UNICAST (UNI  + CAST =  ONE + TO DIRECT = TO  DIRECT TOWARDS ONE ). Actually, the information is addressed in such a way that only one recipient can uncover the sent information. This is the...

Network Transmission

The term Transmission hints at movement. It can be said that Transmission means moving a bunch of information units  in a certain time. Transmission may be fast, or it may be slow. Fast Transmission is a guarantee of Network user satisfaction. Slow Transmission means problems. It is the objective of Network design to ensure fast transmission. Fast Transmission comes at a premium. Slow transmission has a penalty. It is undesirable.  Transmission is of information. An information source can be a transmitter.Such information source is the origin of transmission.  Networks help in information transmission. It helps to carry information from the transmitter to a receiver. The receiver is at the end-point.  If Transmission is slow, it is painful. Slow Transmission creates problems. In case of slow transmission, the receiver will have to wait for long for the next information. Suppose a receiver has fast receiving speed. If a transmitter has many things to transmit, the slo...

Sharing The Component Model

Sharing helps. Sharing is fun. Sharing brings joy. Sharing gives results. The Component Model is friendly towards Sharing.  It is a practice to Share the Component Model. This practice has been adopted for many reasons. The reasons are good. The Sharing exercise has clearly succeeded.  A model is a small size of preparatory work. First Component Model is prepared and later the Component is developed. The Component is a detail form of the Component Model. The Component Model is shared to: Promote Development: Sharing promotes Component Development. The Model is shared with experts. Experts use their skills. An excellent working Component is the result. Complexity Management: When Model is shared the complexities are very well understood. They are resolved.When complexity goes away, simplicity finds way. Enrich Development: Sharing the Model with experts helps. Experts give their best. With expertise and skill, the Component Development process goes through technological refine...

Network Goals

Network is a multipurpose connected structure. They are established to meet certain goals.  We know institutions and organisations have to serve. They have to carry their mission forward. In general Networks are designed with following goals: Sharing: The physical structure of the Network allows itself to be shared. Sometimes a Network line allows a number of information to pass out. This is because the Network line is able to carry more than one information at a time. Its capacity to carry information is really appreciable. There is a scope that idle Networks can be shared. Sharing of Network by many users helps in communication. It makes life easy. Because many users get Network benefits, they can collectively invest. This brings down  the financial burden. Maintenance of Information Flow: Network maintains the flow of Information.  Many types of disturbances affect information, when it is traveling. A Network protects information. Anything ( like interference from some...

Network Uses

There are many uses of a Computer Network. It's used for the following: Effective Communication: Network helps to communicate effectively. As we know, communication is one of  the basic requirements of human beings. Communication helps to connect. It helps to put our point before. Transfer of information, from one location to another, has helped mankind. To add, such transfer using Networks is very impressive. High speed of communication is really an asset. The communication activity is reliable and accurate. Social Bonding: Networks  serve to meet, greet, share,and relax. Social Bonding has got a new meaning, thanks to Networks. We come to know, we didn't know before. Friends can smile, celebrities can be nailed, and all such possibilities unfold.  Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. are here, and social conduct has a new meaning. Our social circle grows. Social networking has given a new look to our manners, presentations, and expressions. Creativity  flows through ...

Understanding Distribution

Distributed presence means that more than one object is there. Also, these objects are situated at more than one location.  One object may establish communication with another object. The first object may deliver some message. The message can be received by another object. It can be said that object distribution is successful, as one object has succeeded in delivering a message. The second object has successfully received the message. Two objects are at a distance. Communication brings them closer. The successful communication has served to highlight that the idea of distribution is meaningful. Distribution helps exchange of information. Many different objects can form a group.  Two groups can occupy different locations.  It may happen that at a particular location there are several objects. But, all these objects talk among themselves.They talk among themselves and make things happen.  There is a resultant of this talk process. All the communicating objects  at...

Network Topology

Network Topology means the arrangement of Computers, which form a Network. The manner of positioning these Computers gives a definite shape to the arrangement. The arrangement of Computers tells about the distribution of these computing units. The Computers are distributed over a certain area. The area could be a Computer Laboratory, office, hospital, or bank. To determine Network Topology, a survey is conducted. The arrangement of Computers is studied. The layout of the Network communication wires  are also of interest to the surveyor. The observation of the surveyor reveals the shape of the Network. This is Network Topology. In fact, the Network Topology concept has a graphical background. Here we talk about the graphical shape of a Network ( e.g. Bus-shaped, Star-shaped, etc. ). It is to be noted that this shape broadly results from positioning of Computers.  So, no wonder, if a Network is laid out for a purpose, it has a shape. This shape is conclusively decided.  Cas...

The COM Model

Software Industry takes pride in developing standard practices. When a model is designed, many of our goals become simple.  The actual design of Software Components is guided by a standard model, i.e., COM ( Component Object Model ). Each and every step of Software Component design refers to the COM model. First the model is constructed. Once the model is in place, the detailed design is started, and the actual software Component is born. Till the end of Component design, and even after, the model of the Component serves the Component development and onward activities. The 'Component Model', or 'Component Object Model' ( COM ) lays stress on: Platform Independence: The model serves the purpose of being neutral to different kinds of systems. This kind of neutrality of COM is very promising. It leads to increased development activity, and thus promotion of software industry's interests. We mean the Component Model is  applicable to a variety of Operating Systems ( OSs...

Network: A Design

A Network is a design work. It is really a product that results from a careful design. We can have a Network of institutions. Or, we can have a Network of Computers. Both Networks ( either of institutions or of Computers ) are very carefully given concrete shape.  In a Network of Computers, we have Computers as the nodes ( or nodal elements ). Although, there are other elements that make sense, Computers are most dominant, and are the centres of attraction. In other words, the Computers record the most impacting presence in a Computer Network. We can say that Computers are the eye-catching elements of Computer Network architecture. In a Computer Network, Computers are not the only Network elements. Besides Computers, we have linking elements. Links ( or wire, or any other ) serve to connect nodal points, or Computers, we can say.  Computers alone cannot make a Computer Network. It is linked Computers that form a Network. The idea of linking is central. When a Computer Network ...