Software Components seated at different locations are said to be Distributed Components. These Components are arranged in such a way so as to enable communication. In other words, the Distributed arrangement helps communication among Components.
The arrangement that allows Component based communication is based on principled distribution.
A Component requiring to communicate sets itself into action. It extends itself. It makes itself effective outside the Component boundary line.
A Component that has extending abilities can be distributed. If a Component is unable to cause effect outside the Component boundary line, it cannot be distributed.
It's true that ordinary Components do not have communication rights. Such Components do not follow philosophy related to distribution. So, these Components are denied communication rights. To sum up, an ordinary Component cannot communicate.
A Component in a distribution starts the linking process. Requirement for communication is the reason for starting up connection activity. The preparatory work for conducting the dialogue is performed. The communication facility is used for the purpose. One component links with the other component. The two Components cooperate with each other. As a result of this cooperation a useful task is performed. This task is performed together by the two Components. The task is collective responsibility of the two Components.
Two Components come together to perform. This togetherness gives a result. The result may come to us as output. The output is a product of teamwork performed by two Components.
A collection of two or more Components collaborate to fulfill a requirement. The nature of requirement triggers formation of relationships. These relationships are defined by the arrangement of distribution. This arrangement defines placement of Components and facilities used by them.The placement and facilities combine to make communication possible.
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