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Understanding Distribution

Distributed presence means that more than one object is there. Also, these objects are situated at more than one location. 

One object may establish communication with another object. The first object may deliver some message. The message can be received by another object. It can be said that object distribution is successful, as one object has succeeded in delivering a message. The second object has successfully received the message.

Two objects are at a distance. Communication brings them closer. The successful communication has served to highlight that the idea of distribution is meaningful. Distribution helps exchange of information.

Many different objects can form a group.  Two groups can occupy different locations. 

It may happen that at a particular location there are several objects. But, all these objects talk among themselves.They talk among themselves and make things happen.  There is a resultant of this talk process. All the communicating objects  at the end of their communication agree. The resultant is in the shape of a final declaration, we can say. This declaration is the end product of talking objects. 

Many  objects agreeing to a final declaration has additional meaning, besides the declaration. 

As the final declaration is a single declaration, it can be felt from a distance that there is a single object that has given the declaration. It is not a reality. It is like an effect. The reality is that there are many objects that played their role in declaration. But the final resultant declaration gives the impression of a single object playing that final role. This is purely an imagination. This imagination is caused because the total communication process in which many objects were involved is not felt from far. Only the end result is observed, and hence unreal imagination results.

When objects are far, they become purposeful. Our needs are served by distancing objects; the objects of interest are separated by a distance. Distribution  helps  to order objects, and the location is important. 

'Distributed' philosophy has given us great results. This philosophy has proven that 'distancing' can deliver us goodies. The world is hungry and we say 'more'. When demand is for more, 'Distributed' philosophy is for sure. 

When servings have to be upto expectations, distributed design comes to help. 'Distribution' helps distancing of resources. 

Resources are needed for fulfilment. Distributed design has taken care of maximizing satisfaction by the inclusion of different locations.These locations have certain requirements. Distribution helps to meet these demands. Satisfaction of demands and requirements has been  a feature of distribution.

'Distributed' resources acquire more power. This is because the number of requests that can be served 'responses' is very high. Wherever there is movement ( like there is in distribution, of course ) of resources, there is a strong possibility that resource utilisation will improve. Improvement in resource utilisation is the striking feature of Distribution.

This can be  understood in another way. Restriction has always shortened capacity. Removal of restriction and a green signal for presence over a wide area really means a jump in performance. It is recorded here that 'distribution' naturally helps to serve expansion of presence.

In fact, distributed presence has proven itself in 'Computing' field. Such presence has made 'Computing' more need-based. 'Computing' helps. When 'Computing' is done by distributing the 'Computers' ( the 'Computing' device ), we are helped much.


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