A Network is a design work. It is really a product that results from a careful design. We can have a Network of institutions. Or, we can have a Network of Computers. Both Networks ( either of institutions or of Computers ) are very carefully given concrete shape.
In a Network of Computers, we have Computers as the nodes ( or nodal elements ). Although, there are other elements that make sense, Computers are most dominant, and are the centres of attraction. In other words, the Computers record the most impacting presence in a Computer Network. We can say that Computers are the eye-catching elements of Computer Network architecture.
In a Computer Network, Computers are not the only Network elements. Besides Computers, we have linking elements. Links ( or wire, or any other ) serve to connect nodal points, or Computers, we can say.
Computers alone cannot make a Computer Network. It is linked Computers that form a Network. The idea of linking is central.
When a Computer Network is under discussion, the thought of Computer Hardware may visit us. It is clearly stated here that it is not necessary that all Computers in a Network have the same hardware. The architecture of Computers can be different.
One Computer in a Network can have slow speed and it may be of low price. Another Computer in a Network can have high speed. The high speed Computer may cost high. The low-speed-low price, and high-speed-high-price Computers belong to two different hardware categories.
Indeed, Computer Networks are lenient about the type of hardware that is employed in making Computer units.
It is to be noted that a Computer, within a Computer Network, cannot communicate with other Computers that are not part of the given Computer Network.
It can be concluded that a Network enables communication. But we must also say that a Network also establishes a communication boundary. If a Computer wishes to communicate, it can do so within the Network boundary. The world beyond the Network boundary is unavailable, we can say.
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