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Network Service

A Network carries information. Information is transmitted by a transmitter. A Computer may be a transmitter of information. The transmitted information is carried over a Network of Communication lines. Such Network helps to carry information. The information is carried to far end. At the far end the information is received by a receiver.

Network is meant to provide service. Service can be measured in terms of number of beneficiaries. The extent of service leads to Network Service classification as:




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When Network transmission has to reach only one recipient, the transmitted information is UNICAST (UNI  + CAST =  ONE + TO DIRECT = TO  DIRECT TOWARDS ONE ). Actually, the information is addressed in such a way that only one recipient can uncover the sent information. This is the UNICAST service of a Network where only one recipient benefits.

UNICASTING means putting out information for a single recipient. Not more than one recipient can receive the information that has been UNICAST. It is felt that UNICAST may be important for security establishments.

A UNICAST information is meant for a single audience. Such cast information may be sensitive. It ensures privacy.

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In MULTICAST ( MULTI  + CAST = MANY + TO DIRECT = TO DIRECT TOWARDS MANY ) service there are many recipients of information. It must be noted that not everyone is the recipient of MULTICAST information. A selected group of recipients is formed before transmission. In this MULTICAST service only the selected group can benefit from transmission of information.

We can say that in MULTICASTING service, the beneficiaries of information are decided in advance. 

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BROADCAST information is available for everyone in the range. A BROADCASTING service sends out information for every possible recipient. In terms of reach, it is the  Network service with maximum recipients. If one is interested in BROADCAST transmission, one can be the BROADCAST beneficiary. If one is not interested in the BROADCAST information, he may simply ignore the information.


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