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The COM Model

Software Industry takes pride in developing standard practices. When a model is designed, many of our goals become simple. 

The actual design of Software Components is guided by a standard model, i.e., COM ( Component Object Model ). Each and every step of Software Component design refers to the COM model. First the model is constructed. Once the model is in place, the detailed design is started, and the actual software Component is born. Till the end of Component design, and even after, the model of the Component serves the Component development and onward activities. The 'Component Model', or 'Component Object Model' ( COM ) lays stress on:

  1. Platform Independence: The model serves the purpose of being neutral to different kinds of systems. This kind of neutrality of COM is very promising. It leads to increased development activity, and thus promotion of software industry's interests. We mean the Component Model is  applicable to a variety of Operating Systems ( OSs ) and hardware platforms, as indicated by Platform Independence. Thus, COM has set the ball rolling and so heightened development in the software field has been around.

  1. Resource Sharing: The model of the 'Component' is used as reference. The model resource is shared by developers to make concrete software 'Components' to suit customer requirements.The model is of great help, and is central to generation of Component code.

  1. Standardization: The model is itself a standard. Also, standard software practices are utilised in  shaping up COM. Also, there are COM oriented software conventions promoting adoption of standard practices by the software industry. The 'Component Model' goes a long way to address the issue of standardization of model making.

  1. Risk Management: The model is constructed first. The working model is miniaturised. Models are tested, so that there is no way for error to occur onwards. We can say that COM is a forward looking Software Model. Use of 'Component Model' means sound risk management.

  1. Cost Estimation: The Component Model' is very clear about how things  in the domain of development are to come before the developers. Many development issues are known in advance. So, cost estimates are very close to reality.


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