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Distributed Databases

A Database that's spread over a number of Computer Systems, located at distinct locations, is called a Distributed Database. The Computer Systems containing such database may be similar or dissimilar. 

If the Computer Systems housing the Database have the same architecture and Software Systems, Homogeneity is evident. Such Computer Systems are called Homogeneous. Homogenous Systems present a coherent view of the underlying Database. 

The conception of Homogeneous Database renders a unitary view. Such single and uniform view draws us to form a reasonable understanding of the Database System. Such understanding helps us to conceive the Database that's distributed as being on a single Computer.

The implementation of Distributed Database is simple as the Support Systems have a stark similarity. So, implementation is effortless.

In Heterogeneous Database Systems there are Clusters of Computers. These Clusters are mutually dissimilar. One Cluster of Computers qualifies as part of a Distributed Database. This Cluster of Computers have very similar Hardware. The Software Support that's rendered has also a striking uniformity. 

We can consider another Cluster that's a part of Heterogeneous Database. The intra-Cluster affairs of this Cluster are characterised by oneness of Support Systems. But this Cluster exists in isolation. Another Cluster, we discussed before is pretty different - architecturally and functionally. 

The implementation of Heterogeneous Database calls for a diverse view of the Support Systems that form the Distribution. A multifarious support of a variety of Platforms and Systems is required to deploy a Heterogeneous Database. 

The composite view rendered by a Heterogeneous Database is that of a single Computer System. 

The individual Clusters maintain their individuality. The individuality of the isolated Clusters is lost when an integrated view is formed. The collective view is an integrated one and is essential to introduce simplicity in operations. This simplicity is rewarding one as usage becomes simple.

In other words, the collective view of disparate System units witnesses the crumbling of the design complexity associated with Heterogeneous Database Systems.




Have a great day!!




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