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Showing posts from December, 2020

Distributed Databases

A Database that's spread over a number of Computer Systems, located at distinct locations, is called a Distributed Database. The Computer Systems containing such database may be similar or dissimilar.  If the Computer Systems housing the Database have the same architecture and Software Systems, Homogeneity is evident. Such Computer Systems are called Homogeneous. Homogenous Systems present a coherent view of the underlying Database.  The conception of Homogeneous Database renders a unitary view. Such single and uniform view draws us to form a reasonable understanding of the Database System. Such understanding helps us to conceive the Database that's distributed as being on a single Computer. The implementation of Distributed Database is simple as the Support Systems have a stark similarity. So, implementation is effortless. In Heterogeneous Database Systems there are Clusters of Computers. These Clusters are mutually dissimilar. One Cluster of Computers qualifies as...

Lexical Analyzer

  The Lexical Analysis of a Computer Program is performed by the Lexical Analyzer. The Computer Program written in a high level language is used by the Lexical Analyzer. Such a Program is written using a finite set of symbols.  The task of making a distinction among Program Elements such as Reserved Words , Operators , Data Types , Variables, Constants , Delimiters , Sequencers , Iterators is performed by the Lexical Analyzer. The task of Lexical Analysis segregates the Program Elements such as Data Types , Operators , and Variables . These Elements are grouped to form clusters.  We have a cluster of Data Types present in a Computer Program. Operators that are in the Program are clustered separately. Similarly we have other clusters that represent distinct Program Elements. The Program Elements that are recognized by the Lexical Analyzer are called tokens. We can say that Reserved Words , Data Types , and Constants are the tokens that find recognition as such during...


  A Compiler is a Computer Program that performs code translation. In fact, Compiler is a Language Translator.  A high level language program forms the input to a Compiler.  The output of a Compiler is termed as Object Code. The Compiler output may be a Binary Code. The code generated by the Compiler may be in the form of an Assembly Language Program. _______________________ _______________________ Note: Code Translators are also called Language Processors. _______________________ _______________________ The input to the Compiler is a source code. The source code is processed to obtain the object code. The source code is Programmer friendly. The object code may be a long string of 0s and 1s .  The source code is run through the Compiler. The resultant code that is obtained has a different form. The structure of the Compiled Code reflects the transformation that is performed.  Such transformational task of code translation is achieved by application of advanced p...

Number Systems

  A Number System is a set of numbers. The numbers are the  System Elements of the Number System. The Number System can be understood with the help of Number System Elements. The Number System Elements are the structural units of the Number System. The number of distinct symbols that are used to design a Number System decides the nomenclature of the Number System. The cardinality of Number System Elements is called the base, or radix of the Number System.  The Binary Number System has a base equal to two. This means that there are two distinct symbols in the Binary Number System. The two unique symbols that are used to frame Binary Numbers are: '0', and '1'.  '0' and '1' are the symbols that are used in the Binary N umber System.  Likewise the Decimal Number System has a base equal to ten. So, there are ten distinct symbols (digits) that are used to structure a decimal number.  The symbols that are employed in a Number System are called numerals. These ...