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The Physical Link Layer

The Physical Link  Layer provides the much needed medium for communication of data. In other words, how to go about infrastructural support  is  detailed by the Physical Link Layer. 

The Physical Link Layer serves to provide the information for placement of real world communication facilities. These communication facilities are the fundamental requirements of the communication process. 

Many theoretical studies, and conceptual analysis stand proven by studying the implementation of the PPhysical Link Layer.

The Layer speaks to us to how to apply the skills related to plugging. The manner in which we should put subtlety to good use vis-a-vis connectors is explained to us. 

The details of socket connection is stated by the Physical Layer. How to make cable adjustments is narrated. Top to bottom requirements of connection establishment and its orientation is made clear to us.

The main focus of the Physical  Link Layer is on ensuring the success of the communication session. It is of great significance that the entire communication session is marked by a high degree of precision. Things move and the flow is free enough to be characterised as streamlined. 

It is the responsibility of the Physical Link Layer to regulate the communication process. The rate of data transfer over the communication line should be optimum. 

Generally communication lines in the information world have a range of transmission rates that is supported. The supported transmission rates determine customer satisfaction that is experienced upon Network usage.

The Physical Link Layer clearly states how established connection is to be released. The connection release activities are marked by undoing the jobs we had done earlier. We can recall the earlier activities that led to the establishment of the communication line. The released connection is available to us for reuse.

The Data Link Layer is above the Physical Link Layer. The Physical Link Layer provides the communication ground for the Data Link Layer.




Have a great day!!




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