A chip made up of a semiconductor material is termed as a Microprocessor. Microprocessors are the emblems of high performance and embodiment of the CPU (Central Processing Unit).
A Microprocessor chiefly consists of:
( A ) Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU)
( B ) Control Unit (CU)
The ALU performs arithmetic tasks that it is instructed to perform. Common arithmetic operations are addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. ALU is also responsible for performing logical operations.
Boolean Logic is a set of principles. It is used in Computers and helps the Computing Units to perform logical tasks.
Boolean operators are used in Boolean logic. Such operators perform logical functions.
ALU is decked with the Boolean Logic. The Logic Unit of ALU is enabled to perform operations such as AND, OR, and NOT; thanks to the Boolean Logic.
In fact, Microprocessor is the hub of Computing activities inside a Computer System. Such a hub is known for high performance.
There are small storage areas in the ALU. These areas called registers are capable of holding data. The size of these registers is called word length or word size. Word length can be of 16 bits or 32 bits.
Word length associated with a register has enough space to accommodate an instruction and data. Instructions compose a Computer Program. Program under execution means undergoing data processing activities.
Microprocessor engineering is based on a modeled scheme. The design and construction of the Microprocessor follows the modeled plan.
A Microprocessor is a specialised Unit. Every Microprocessor has a set of instructions that can be executed. This set of instructions form the instruction set of the Microprocessor.
Instruction set speaks of the capabilities of the Microprocessor. These capabilities are reflected in the different kinds of tasks that instructions individually are capable of giving concrete shapes.
The way in which data in main memory is addressed by the Microprocessor is called the Addressing Mode used by the semiconductor chip.
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