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Data Processing: A Study

Data Processing means performing a series of steps to change or preserve the form of data. Data Processing is performed using an established procedure. Generally,  a Computer Program, that is implemented using a programming paradigm, performs the task of Data Processing.

The different streams of job responsibilities, that are part and parcel of Data Processing, are briefly highlighted:

( 1 ) Processing of large quantities of Experimental Results that are part of Scientific Research.

( 2 ) Processing of Personal Information.

( 3 ) Applying programming techniques to Multiple Data Streams.

( 4 ) Operations on Production Level Data.

( 5 ) Making Sales Forecasts.

( 6 ) Generation of Pivot Reports.

( 7 ) Analysis of Investment Plans.

( 8 ) Preparation of Orders.



Data Processing tasks are performed at organisational level necessitating deployment of Computer Applications. Computer Applications are empowered to process large quantities of data. Application Systems are developed by experts of Computer Applications and Software Development.

We may say that our requirement to transform data moves us to develop Computer Applications. Computer Applications transform data as per the requirements of the context. 



Data Processing encompasses:

( 1 ) System Analysis and Design Aspects

( 2 ) Program Development & Maintenance 

( 3 ) Database Administration 

( 4 ) Computer Operations 

( 5 ) Data Preparation 

( 6 ) Data Control 

( 7 ) Network Management 



Data originating from different organisations is marked by a remarkable commonness. So, organisational data has been integrated and rationalized. We have developed databases for organisational data. Processing of organisational data requires Database Management Systems ( DBMS ). 

Data Processing requires high speed  Computers. The Computing power impacts processing of data. A high speed Computer performs very well. Sufficiently available memory space also boosts the speed of Data Processing.

The integrity of processed data must be intact. If trustworthiness ( integrity ) of data is retained after Data Processing, the Computer Software deployed for the task has crunched the data items pretty well, we can say.




Have a great day!!




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