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AI Aspects

Artificially acquired abilities to think, reason, and understand is called Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI manifests in a manner that is like Human Intelligence. AI has a robust framework.

Capturing the  realities around  is the touchstone AI. Captured surrounds cater to  the thinking segment of AI. 

The observed reality has rough edges, and insignificant details. Unnecessary details are filtered out. These left out details are discarded.

The important details of captured objects are matched with predefined objects. These predefined objects are stored in Computer memory. The predefined objects are available in a standard form. 

The matching of captured objects and predefined ones is very helpful and supportive. It is an important step towards fabrication of AI.

The form of final and concrete thought (the outcome of thinking) is here with us. The comparison of captured reality and samples of reality stored in Computers leads to some crystallisation of thinking activity. 



In the domain of AI reasoning is performed after thinking. We can define reasoning as a process of thought refinement. The crystallized thought undergoes  several stages of further refinements. 

Such refinement process is witness to essential details and discardable sections. 

There is an essential part that emerges out of such refinements. This very essential chunk marks the fruitful content of reasoning activity. 

Application of reasoned analysis lets us develop a degree of precision in fabrication of AI.



As Computerised reasoning churns out the refinements, understanding seemingly dawns upon. We move towards a well-formed response. The understanding that sets is characterised by decisiveness. 

The understanding is expressed assertively. The assertion of understanding is marked by a high degree of selectivity. The selectivity that is exercised by AI has an element of accuracy.

Summarily, we can say that the focus of AI is on developing perceptual abilities. The collective appeal of intelligence and perception has given birth to AI.




Have a great day!!




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