Application Program Interface ( API ) is a piece of code. API is a part of Computer Software. The API code serves to connect. It provides service. Simplification is achieved when service is performed.
API code is used in a Computer Program. The Computer Program using API code becomes simple. The Programmer is saved from hard work. The Computer Program is reduced in size because the APIs perform a number of tasks. Through the good use of APIs the Computer Program is empowered to work with other programs.
We can say APIs connect a Computer Program, coded by a programmer with a number of other Programs.
Tasks performed by the APIs are not very specific to the main problem. But these tasks are essential to the solution generated by the Computer Program written by a Programmer.
The services provided by the APIs are termed to be of high quality. A Computer Programmer can make best use of Programming Skills seeking help of APIs that are provided by the Programming Language.
Software units are shaped using a set of APIs. APIs are used to develop Computer Applications. APIs are sometimes used to make Software Models. It is common to make use of a collection of APIs for a Programming effort.
Use of APIs gives us advantage. API based solutions can easily acquire a customer oriented appearance. Customer friendly solutions are the highlight of API usage. The convenience that results is valued.
API is an excellent place to look for in order to empower Computer Programs.
APIs are possessed with innumerable features. So, Computer Programmers can select the API based creations that can do the best.
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