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Showing posts from October, 2020

Arrays: A Look At

  An array is an ordered collection of elements. Each element of the array is assigned a value. An array element can be considered as a variable. All the elements of the array are indexed. Zero and whole numbers are used as indices. Indexing of the array elements is purposeful. It helps to identify the array elements uniquely. An array-name is associated with each array. The array-name once tagged, comes to be associated with each array element. In other words, the array-name becomes part and parcel of the identity of all the array elements. In such a scenario, when the same array-name  applies to each array element, the unique index of each element gives the required uniqueness. This uniqueness is acquired by each and every array element. In this way identification of the array elements is helped. In order words, uniqueness is  bestowed  upon  the array elements with the help of indices. Distinctiveness of array elements helps in data processing. We are able to...

Robotics Accounted

Robotics is a discipline that teaches us to empower machines to behave like human beings. It lies at the border between Artificial intelligence and Mechanical Engineering. Such pursuit of interdisciplinary empowerment of machines is the need of the hour in these times when the trend is to fuel precision centred developments. The machine activities are planned. Planning encompasses everything from best to worst. Nothing is allowed to miss. The entire gamut of activities performed by Robots are deliberately pinpointed. The behavioural aspects are clearly documented. Robotics is related to design, construction, and use of Robots. Visual perception of Robots is a dedicated theme of Robotics. The science is characterized by a reprogrammable set of instructions. A focused approach is required for perusal of the advancements. Emotional aspects of performance are empty. The working methodology of Robots is fairly mechanical. Mechanical movements are accorded a detailed study. Such movements ar...

Identifier: A Program Element

  Data items of a Computer Program are recognized with the help of Identifiers. Identifiers serve to identify data items. Programming requires use of Identifiers. We can associate Identifiers with digits, alphabets, alphanumeric strings, and boolean values. RULES FOR IDENTIFIER FORMATION: ( 1 ) Composition of Identifiers: Only alphabet(s), underscore(s), or digit(s) can come together to form Identifiers.  ( 2 ) First Occurence Particulars:  An Identifier is declared to be invalid if a digit occurs in the Identifier at the first place. Either an alphabet , or an underscore (_) can be the occupant of the first place of a well-formed Identifier. One must be careful about the placement of digit(s). ( 3 ) Case Sensitivity Matters:  Uppercase and lowercase letters have a distinct identity. 'N' and 'n' are altogether different. 'R' and 'r' are treated differently from each other. ( 4 ) Impermissible White spaces: White space inclusion anywhere in an identifier ...

Abstraction: An OO Concept

Abstraction is a filtering action. It is performed by Computer Programmers. Filtering helps Programmers in coding. Coding supported by Abstraction lays emphasis on inclusion of code in a Computer Program that is essential. Code that can shift the focus away from the problem is simply shown the door. Capability of a code to add value is the criterion for filtering. Coding away from the focal point hardly serves the problem. Relevant coding  helps to perform Object Oriented Programming. If our coding activity is based on the golden principle of Abstraction, a good Program is born. Good quality code is produced if our ideas are short and smart. Indeed it's good to play with Abstraction right from the very beginning of coding activity. Sticking to Abstraction till the end of coding activity is strongly recommended. The simplicity and compactness that result from Abstraction marvels Object Oriented Programming Paradigm. Abstraction allows us to make the best use of Computing power. We s...


GUI is a short form for Graphical User Interface ( GUI ). It is spoken as 'gooey'. 'Gooey' ( GUI ) is a Computer Program. Actually GUI is a piece of code written in a Programming Language. GUI makes life easy for Computer users. It is a milestone in our list of efforts directed to deliver technology to the doorstep. GUI does not require us to gain expertise. The GUI icons are easy to make out. One can understand the message given by GUIs visually. So, GUIs are great fun to play with. Specially designed software is for a particular purpose. Standard software practices are adopted to make a useful software unit. Such software is used again and again. Moreover, useful things are used by many. A GUI links a Computer user to a Computer Program. This Computer Program is useful for the user. So, a GUI Program enables a user to make good use of a Computer Program that's the GUI target. The requirements of the user are collected. This act of collection is performed by the GU...

The Transport Layer

The Transport Layer is related to movement of data. We know that movement essentially requires control. Movement is monitored to make it meaningful.  When the  data exchange session is in swing, controlling  the movement of data becomes important.  We control from near. We can control from far. The Transport Layer is known to control from far. The nature of control exercised by the Transport Layer is of general type. Such type of control is performed by well known methods. It is the responsibility of the Transport Layer to efficiently perform its task. The Transport Layer must be thanked for the degree of reliability it brings to the transportation of data. This transportation is marked by a level of accuracy.  Transportation accuracy means: the data sent, is the data received. The flow of data is flawless ( free from errors and mistakes ). The regulation of communication activity between two Computers serves to enable transfer of data.  The regulatory cont...


A pplication Program Interface ( API ) is a  piece of code. API is a part of Computer Software. The API code serves to connect. It provides service. Simplification is achieved when service is performed.  API code is used in a Computer Program. The Computer Program using API code becomes simple. The Programmer is saved from hard work. The Computer Program is reduced in size because the APIs perform a number of tasks. Through the good use of APIs the Computer Program is empowered to work with other programs. We can say APIs connect a Computer Program, coded by a programmer with a number of other Programs. Tasks performed by the APIs are not very specific to the main problem. But these tasks are essential to the solution generated by the Computer Program written by a Programmer. The services provided by the APIs are termed to be of high quality. A Computer Programmer can make best use of Programming Skills seeking help of APIs that are provided by the Programming Language. Softwa...

Data Type

Grouping of data on the basis of behaviour of data is called forming a Data Type. Data Type is formed when we attempt to group data items.  Certain Data items are closely related. These Data items are manipulated by performing same operations. We study the operations. We take a look at the Data set on which the studied operations have been performed.  Thus formation of a Data Type isvmarked by twin activities: 1 ) Clear  identification of Data items 2 ) Study of operations that manipulate     the Data items  Performance of operations on Data gives results. Actually operators are there to perform operations. Operators act on Data. Students of Mathematics have observed the behaviour of Integers. We know that we can perform arithmetic operations on Integers. To perform arithmetic operations we have arithmetic operators. Examples of arithmetic operators are: '+', '-', '×', and '÷'.  We can take any two Integers and see that arithmetic operators can be easi...

The Session Control Layer

T he top Application Layer of the OSI Reference Model is responsible for making a request to access the information resource - a Computer. With the Session Control Layer,  the access to information resource is performed.  The link of the user Computer ( featured in Application Layer) is established with a Computer ( a Computer that's part of the Session and located at the other end ) that can provide information to the user.  The Computer that's located at the other end comes in the picture as a result of activities that are directed by the Session Control Layer. ____________________________________ Note: It must be noted that a Session underlines the existence of at least two objects. In a Session - the  objects can speak  ( transmit ) or listen ( receive ). When one speaks, the other listens and vice vice versa. _____________________________________ In other words, with the help of the Session Control Layer, connection establishment with a Computer that stores...

Sparse Matrix and Algorithm

Sparse Matrix is a special kind of matrix. In this matrix many of the elements are not important. They are equal to zero. Non- important elements do not require to be processed. Yes, Sparse Matrix is considered lightly. It is just given a passing reference. Empty operations are performed on Sparse Matrix elements because such elements are insignificant. Criterion: I have assumed that if the number of zeros in a matrix are more than the 'result' obtained after dividing the total number of matrix elements by two, then the matrix is a Sparse Matrix.  ______________________________ ______________________________ Sparse Matrix Specifications: _____________________________ _____________________________ 1 ) No. of rows = m 2 ) No. of columns = n 3 ) No. of elements = m × n 4 ) Enter matrix elements one by one 5 ) Half No. of elements hn = (m × n)/2 6 ) No. of zeroes = nz 7 )if ( nz >= hn )  Display 'Sparse Matrix'  else     Display 'Not a Sparse Matrix' 8)...