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OSI Model: Application/User Layer



Application/User Layer: The Application Layer helps us to use a Network facility. It takes care of Network Users. Network users require web pages, transfer of files, and relevant information from a database, etc.  

Users can now easily access a Network. Network access is a step in the direction of serving the information seekers. Indeed it has become very easy to use a Network. Thanks to the Application/User Layer. 

Network access becomes important because a Network provides vast information. Many Computers are connected to a Network. These Computers are huge sources of information. This information is stored in the memory unit of these Computers.

The Application Layer needs some hints to access a Network. These hints are supplied  by the Network user. The support of Application/User Layer simplifies the tasks.

A person who requires information using a Network is helped by the Application/User Layer. The Application/User Layer meets the information seekers. 

We need to serve a variety of our requirements. These requirements may possibly be addressed by different types of presentations. These presentations may be a mixture of text and graphics. The presentation may be pure text. The Application Layer is very capable.

The simplicity of Application Layer solves half of the problem of information seekers. The collapse of 50% of our Network access problem tells about the exploring abilities of the Application Layer. 

The story of simplicity of the Application Layer has one more pleasant side. Things become more and more full of fun when simplicity acquires uniformity. A variety of Network resources and utilities can be uniformly accessed. Thanks to Application/User Layer guidelines.




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