Network Protocol is a set of rules ( guidelines ) to help movement of information on a network. These rules have been given the form of agreement. We are happy that an agreement has materialized to help communication. We are talking about Computer-to-Computer communication.
Indeed Network Protocol lends a helping hand, when information exchange between Computers is performed.
The Network Protocol is available in standardized form. Those interested have worked to provide ways to let Computers communicate. The work product called Protocol is available with us. It serves to benefit when the Protocol is accepted as a guideline by the Computers willing to communicate.
The rules specified by Network Protocol serve to guide. It is very essential to follow the guidelines. The follow up of Network Protocol guarantees successful communication.
Yes, the success of Computer-to-Computer communication is determined by the Protocol follow up. The Computers that communicate obey the Network Protocol. Thus, transfer of information becomes successful.
Network Protocol is very important. If Computers do not obey the Network Protocol, these Computers cannot communicate with each other. In the absence of Protocol Computers become directionless. They do not know how to start communication. The process of communication fails to start.
In fact, Data Communication is difficult to imagine in the absence of Network Protocol.
The Focus of Network Protocol:
1 ) Size of Information:
Size of information is expressed as a number of bytes. Network Protocol clearly states the size of information that is suitable for Computer-to-Computer communication. The size of information may be different for different cases.
2 ) End-Point of Information:
If there is a transmitter, a receiver has to be there. Transmission has no meaning without a receiver. Network Protocol helps us to suitably select the receiving end. Transmitted information finally goes to the receiver. The receiver suitably keeps the information. Information available with the receiver is in the original form.
3 ) Structure of Information:
Communication is not possible if plain information is used for transmission purposes. Information that we commonly use ( called plaintext ) is suitably changed for communication.
Network Protocol determines the structure of information that is to be used for communication. Transformation of information is performed before communication. This transformation is specified by Network Protocol.
4 ) Order of Information:
Information in ordered form is meaningful. Communication process may change the order of information. Requirement of delivery of ordered information is felt. This requirement is fulfilled by Network Protocol.
5 ) Error Management:
Communication activity carries a risk. There is a risk of that information may become unsuitable when it is on the way to receiver. Information becomes unsuitable when it contains errors. Errors reduce the worth and may turn the information to become useless. Network Protocol responsibly checks the occurrences of errors in the content.
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