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Clustering of Applications


A distribution of Computers may serve as a grid for a group or Cluster of Computer Applications.

In the Cluster of Computer Applications the Applications are similar in many ways.  The Applications forming the Applications Cluster are distributed across Computers located at different locations. These locations are specified. We cannot talk about any location.

Actually, the Cluster of Applications is supported by an arrangement of Computers. This arrangement of Computers is systematized using Distributed Architecture.

Applications are scaled or measured. Such measurement is performed to know if an Application can become a  member of a group. 

Applications that are measured or scaled to be similar are grouped. The measurement results from careful observations. Statistical analysis is part of such recording of observations. 

A huge size of data resulting from statistical analysis of Applications is very attentively studied. The results of such studies unfold many interesting facts and figures.  These facts and figures tell us about the technological points related to Computer Applications.  

Technological facts form the important attributes of the Applications. The knowledge of these attributes are equally  vital to their developers, analysts, and users. 

The attributes of Computer Applications may serve as a benchmark for grouping them into Clusters or perform Clustering of Computer Applications.


Clustering Criteria:


1 ) Simple Design: 

Applications with similar level of simplicity can reside in Computers distributed across an area. Such Clustering of Applications on a grid of  Computers is advantageous.

2 ) Required Space:

Computer Applications can form a cluster where the required memory space is the same for all of the Applications. It is assured that the Computers have enough space. If the Distributed Computers have sufficient memory, then these Computers be the home of Clustered Applications.

3 ) Execution Time: 

If Computer Applications have matching execution time, these Applications can be grouped or Clustered.  Clustering Applications on the basis of execution time can help us to improve output  generation and customer satisfaction.

4 ) Security: 

Secure Applications can be positioned on a Computers organized according to Distributed Architecture. Such Clustering performs remarkably well in challenging situations.


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