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Circuit Switching

Circuit Switching is the simplest way in which Computer-to-Computer communication is achieved. The basic elements of Circuit Switching are:

( A ) Computers or Nodes

( B ) Communication Line

Data transmitted by a Computer is carried over the Communication Lines. Communication Lines deliver  transmitted data to the receiver ( a Computer).

Once a Computer is ready to transmit data, a Communication Line is established. This Line connects the transmitter  to the receiver.


//Data Directed by Digital Transmitter//

//Travel Swiftly to Thankful  Receiver//


Now, the actual communication begins. The data to be transmitted is divided into Blocks. The Transmitter sends the Blocks on a Communication Line. The Blocks are sent in order. 


//Data Sent Block by Block//

//Receiver Is the Place to Flock//


When all Blocks reach the receiver, the Communication Line  is released. The Communication Line  was established and reserved before starting the transmission. The reserved Communication Line was used for data transfer.


//Communication Lines, Long & Fine//

//Errors Not Allowed to Shine//


At any moment during transmission Circuit Switching clearly remembers:

( A ) The previously sent data

( B ) Data which is on the way

( C ) The data that is to be sent next


Thus, we can say that Circuit Switching is able to remember the content related to communication. So, Circuit Switching is a stateful technique. The state of communication can be clearly expressed. In other words, information about transfer of data can be maintained using Circuit Switching.

Remarkable control over flow of data can be achieved using Circuit Switching. Controlled flow helps to ensure ordered delivery. We can say that data arrives at the receiver in the order in which it was sent.


//Circuit Switching, a Bit Slow//

//Focus Here Is Controlled Flow//


Due to tight control over transmission, Error Management is simple. Error correction can be easily done. Retransmission can be performed if transmission is somehow unsuccessful.


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