Local-Area Networks ( LANs ) are restricted to a small area. Such Networks may be established within a building. Computers that are part of Local-Area Networks are Personal Computers ( PCs ) or microcomputers. These Computers are connected to each other. Simple communication lines connect these Pers
Networks bring people together. When people join hands teamwork becomes possible. The structural composition of LANs simplifies teamwork. In other words, LAN hardware supports teams having similar processing requirements. LAN Computers readily support personalization of tasks allocated to professionals.
Office staff can work together and share information. This improves the efficiency of the entire workforce. It has been noted that here all the Networked Computers are Personal Computers. They are of equal capacity. Mostly LAN users have similar tasks. If situations allow, a user is independent to access any Computer to serve his purpose.
LAN users can exercise the option of securing their hard work. Here compulsory authentication and validation can be applied Network wide.
Several organisations use LANs. In a Local-Area Network the personal computers share application programs. These application programs help to realize organisational goals. Application programs execute on LAN Computers.
The result of program execution on a LAN Computer is available across LAN. This is actually sharing of processed data. Sharing of processed data is very helpful and useful. It accelerates completion of integrated tasks. It can be said that work progress acquires speed. We can say that Network Technology maximizes use of manpower.
LAN enables proper utilisation of I/O devices like printer and scanner. Every LAN Computer can access a printer attached to the LAN. This saves money.
Data Communication using LAN is simple. There are certain LAN protocols. LAN data transfer is reliable. It inspires and generates confidence.
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