A Transaction is an activity. Here give and take is performed. A 'request' is given and 'response' is taken. It is so simple.
Let us look at 'request'. A need may arise at a Client Computer.
Note: A Client Computer is a small Computer.
The Client Computer may look for certain information. Clearly the information is not with the Client Computer. So, it tries to get it. It starts an activity. It moves ahead. It goes outside the boundary. It is because the Client Computer needs some information. It is not having that information.
A Client Component requests information. When we move out, we need a channel. So the Client Component uses a channel to 'request' information. The 'request' passes through a channel.
Yes, the Client Component has made a 'request'. The Component knows the requirement. But it does not know the manner to get the required object. How to get the object it requires? The Client Component does not know the answer.
Plus, the Client Component is an artificial object.
The language that the needy Client Component speaks is not readily understandable. The Component has forwarded its 'request'. Its request is right and genuine. But it is not in proper form.
Yes, we have the Client Component that made a 'request'. The Client Component needs information. So, it has made a 'request'. But there may be many Client Components making 'requests'. It is because the hunger for information is everywhere. Many of Client Components express hunger for information.
Now, the 'request' making activity is over. So, the request is channelized to Transaction Server. As we have come to know that there are many things to be settled.
Carrying the TRANSACTION forward the 'request' is refined by a Transaction server. It is made good-looking and meaningful. Now the 'request' is understandable.
Note: The Transaction Server is a Computer with high processing speed.
We now have the unstructured or raw 'request' in a well-decorated form. The transformation is done by Component that is part of the Transaction Server.
The well-decorated form of the raw and unstructured 'request' is structured 'request'. The structured request is transferred to the Database Server.
Note: Database Server is a Computer with high memory space. It is a huge collection of information.
Now, the Component concept becomes active on the Database Server. The structured 'request' is handled properly by the Database. The 'response' is generated for the 'request' with the help of Database Server.
The generated 'response' is transferred from the Database Server to the Transaction Server. From the Transaction Server the 'response' travels to Client Computer. The Client Computer that generated the 'request' is happy with the 'response'.
From the above discussion the 'request' travels in the direction:
Client Computer -> Transaction Server -> Database Server
The 'response' travels in the direction:
Database Server -> Transaction Server -> Client Computer
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