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Computers - An Introduction

Computers are man made machines. They are made to work very fast. Working fast they can solve  big and small problems. 

Modern science has given us these computers. They are very popular. Computers affect and change lives. They keep us happy.The happiness grows.

Computers are quick and smart. Great problem solvers and simplifiers are our computers. They can do our work without stopping. Focus is on doing only what is needed. Not needed, not done. 

Computers are  life-less servants. They cannot think or make decisions on their own. They are empowered to work. They are given each and every thing so that they carry out our orders. Orders are respected by computers. The manner in which computers work is wholly dependent on man. 

The quality of service provided by computers is remarkable. They are loved by human beings. Computers are known for smart and quick service.

Computers do not give wrong results. Correct answers are always given. Questions which are difficult can be solved by Computers very soon. We don't have to wait for correct answers. We just press buttons over Computers, and it is ready with correct solutions.

Computers in schools. Computers in hospitals. Computers in villages. Computers in towns. Everywhere and all powerful. 

Our needs change. So, we like to change things. From time to time, we have given different shapes and sizes to computers. 

Personal Computers ( PCs ) or microcomputers are small Computers. Their speed is very good. We can see them in schools and colleges. Students learn to operate PCs. 

Personal Computers let us draw figures and colour them. We can also write code. We see that the written code gives us some result. This result looks nice. Really, Computers are great to be our friends.


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